What, if anything, should you do if the widower your dating won't see a grief counselor to help him with his loss? My latest Widower Wednesday video has the answer.
How Long Does It Take Widowers to Emotionally Heal?
A viewer says her widower wants to marry her after he's "emotionally healed" from the death of his late wife? Is he sincere or is this a clever way for widowers to not commit to a relationship? Relationship coach and widower expert Abel Keogh has the answer.
Should a widower keep his late wife's items in a shared closet with his girlfriend?
Should a widower keep his late wife's items in a shared closet with his girlfriend? Check out my 30-second answer below.
How long should you date a widower?
How long should you date a widower before knowing he's not ready to open his heart? Relationship coach and widower expert Abel Keogh answers a question from a woman who's dated a widower 1.5 years and gives clear mileposts of what you should expect a relationship to progress and when to end it.
Read MoreThe Widower I'm Dating Hasn't Told His Kids about Me!
The widower I'm dating hasn't told his kids about me. What should I do?
See my 60 second answer in the video below.
Get off the Grid
Spend 4 days this week off the grid in the High Uintas with my teenage boys. Camped near Ryder Lake, ~10,600 ft. above sea level. High recommend the scenery and getting off the grid. Highly recommend getting a way for a few days to recharge.
Marriage -- Is it right for me? (Podcast)
I was recently a guest on The Widower’s Journey podcast where we discussed marriage and when/if widowers should remarry. Listen below.
Is the old adage true? When there is a death in a marriage, women mourn, men, replace. Listen in as the Dean of widowed men, Herb Knoll, explores this question and many others during this podcast titled, “Marriage - Is It Right for Me.” Joining Herb are three widowers, including one widower who authored the Ultimate Dating Guide for Widowers, Abel Keogh. Learn what our guests say about marrying too soon, to gaining permission to marry from a widower’s children, pre-nuptial agreements, to a discussion about the risks associated with marriage soon after being widowed. What are the questions each widower needs to answer before popping the question? No topic is too hot to handle. Join us for this lively podcast.
What's the best way for widows and widowers to meet someone?
Losing Someone Doesn't Mean Losing Yourself
In this Widower Wednesday video a viewer and widow, Lynda, shares her thoughts and perspective on Abel's recent videos about getting over grief and being happy.
Ask Me Anything (Widower Related)
Through the end of June I’m taking questions related to dating, marrying, or having a relationship with a widower or being a widower. You can even ask me personal questions related to this topic that aren’t addressed in my books or videos. I’ll answer these questions in upcoming Widower Wednesday videos. All questions you submit will remain anonymous.
This form is now closed. If you want to contact Abel or ask him a question, click here.