Widowers Dating Again Facebook Group

Ever since I created the “Dating a Widower” Facebook group, I’ve always been asked when I’m going to create a similar group for widowers who are dating again. I’ve always been hesitant to do so seeing how men are less likely to participate in such a group but have finally decided to create a group called Widowers Dating Again. The purpose of the group is to give widowers a chance to vent, ask questions, or discuss dating and relationships the second time around. So if you’re a widower who meet the qualifications below, feel free to join. If you’re dating a widower, feel free to tell them about this group.

The group is specifically for widowers who are:

  • thinking about dating
  • dating
  • in a serious relationship
  • engaged
  • remarried

To join the group, click here.

Questions? Shoot me an email.