The Bridge

Took this photograph last week while driving the support van for Marathon Girl during her 20 mile run. It struck me as something you'd see in a horror novel. You know, kids ignore the sign, go on the bridge to jump into the river and have fun. Sooner or later they all end up dead. Yeah, that' s how my mind works.

Summer Book Giveaway Winners

Thanks to all those who entered the Summer Book Giveaway contest by guessing where certain vacation photos were taken. The three winners were Mary, Charlynn, and Chelle. (I picked the winners by counting up the total number of comments and used a handy random number generator to pick three random numbers.)

Also, congrats to everyone who correctly guessed where the photos were taken. I’ve reposted the photos below with information on where they were taken along with why we happened to stop at each particular place. Enjoy!

Photo#1: Shoshone Falls, Idaho. On our way up to Boise to see my sister and her family, she suggested we stop here if we wanted our kids to stretch their legs. It's a nine mile detour off I-84 but well worth the trip.

Photo #2: Idaho State Capitol, Boise, Idaho. An unplanned stop. We were on our way to another part of Boise when my sister asked if we wanted to go check it out. Very beautiful and the entire building has been recently restored.

Photo #3: Old Idaho State Penitentiary, Boise, Idaho. Another unexpected stop and by far the most interesting place we visited. The kids enjoyed running around old cell blocks and "locking" themselves in cells. I got tons of ideas for scenes in upcoming novels and took tons of photos. The photo below was taken near the exercise yard.

Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Photo #4: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota. I was surprised how popular this place was and how many touristy things there are to do in the Rapid City area. (Thankfully my sister gave us the heads up before we went there.) Fun to see and the Black Hills are gorgeous.

Photo #5: Devil's Tower National Monument, Wyoming. Despite living in Casper, Wyoming for two years, I never made it up to this part of the state. The sheer size of the mountain is breathtaking. Sadly, there was no secret military base on the top of the mountain.

Photo #6: Devil's Gate, Wyoming. To keep our devil-themed Wyoming trip, we stopped at Devil's Gate, Wyoming. Actually, we stopped by Martin's Cove which just so happens to be in the vicinity of Devil's Gate but thought that this was a more interesting photo. :-)

Then (2004) and Now (2012)

The day after Marathon Girl and I bought our first house, I took the following picture from the second-story bedroom window.














The day before we sold the same home, I took the following picture from the same window.














Seven years of changes. Seems like yesterday I took the top photo.

Now it's off to new adventures.

I can't wait.


Frozen in Time

No, these pictures aren’t from the planet Hoth. They’re views of frozen Utah Lake and the surrounding area that I took February 17, 2008 as reminder of how cold this winter has been. Since then, temperatures have risen and the snow has begun to melt. Maybe spring will arrive after all. It should be noted though Marathon Girl and I are sick of the cold, our kids had a good time digging through the snow to find the ice and walking on the frozen lake. They didn’t want to leave even after the sun set and the temperatures dropped.

Utah Lake looking northwest Looking northwest across the lake

Utah Lake looking northeast Looking northest toward the mountains

Sunset Utah Lake Looking southwest as the sun sets