Earlier this month Marathon Girl and I took the family on a camping trip to the La Sal Mountains east of Moab, Utah. We had a great time camping, river rafting, and visiting many state and national parks. Highly recommend the trip to the area if you've never been. Here's some photos from our 6-day adventure.
View from our campsite one evening. The peaks are the La Sal Mountains. Warner Lake is in the shadows near the bottom of the picture.
About 1.5 miles from our campsite was Oowah Lake. It was a beautiful hike to get there.
Three of my kids playing around on the hoodoos in Goblin Valley State Park, Utah.
Me, Marathon Girl, and one camera shy kid. Goblin Valley State Park, Utah.
If you look really close, you can see the head of one of my kids hiking around Arches National Park, Utah.
Taking in the beauty of Canyonlands National Park, Utah.